Drehelastische Kupplungen mit Vollnabe – Material Aluminium

Type pilot bore Hub A pilot bore Hub B bore    da max. bore    db max. H1 De E


F MA MB N H2 S H weight hub A weight hub B Max. Rpm (V=30 m/s)

n. (min^-1)

SG-M 19A-24B/AL 6 6 19 24 25 40 16 18 30 40 12 19,0 2,0 66 0,07 0,08 14000
SG-M 24A-32B/AL 9 9 24 32 30 55 18 27 40 55 14 24,0 2,0 78 0,13 0,18 10600
SG-M 28A-38B/AL 10 10 28 38 35 65 20 30 48 65 15 27,5 2,5 90 0,22 0,30 8500
SG-M 38A-45B/AL 12 12 38 45 45 80 24 38 66 78 18 36,5 3,0 114 0,48 0,55 7100

(1) = Assembly distances

code explanation example:

– SG-M 19A-24B = with hub A + hub B (+ Spider)

– SG-M 19A-19A = with hub A + hub A (+ Spider)

– SG-M 24B-24B = with hub B + hub B (+ Spider)